November 11–15, 2024

Living Authentically: A Journey With Human Design
November 11–15, 2024

The #1 regret of the dying:
“I wish I had the courage to live a life true to myself,
not the life others expected of me.”

Dive deep into self-discovery with the profound insights of Human Design.

Human Design teaches that everyone has a unique inner authority and guidance system.
Phrases like “Follow your heart,” “Trust your gut,” and “Be logical” are one-size-fits-all solutions that don’t cater to our individuality.
Imagine a life where every decision is guided by your inner authority, leading to authentic, empowered living.
Picture reaching the end of this journey with no regrets about living someone else’s expectations, but with the fulfillment of a life truly your own.

In this transformative workshop, we will explore the wisdom of Human Design, a system that synthesizes Western and Eastern astrology, the I Ching, the Kabbalah, and the Hindu-Brahmin chakra system with modern quantum physics.
This holistic approach will help you understand your inner guidance and make wise aligned decisions, which determines your overall results in your life and will help you unlock your highest potential.

Our sessions will include practical applications for daily decision-making, personal development, and authentic relationships.
We’ll also engage in embodiment and integration practices, as well as interactive sessions to deepen our understanding.

Embrace your authenticity, follow your inner authority and stop outsourcing your sovereignty and power to others.

Gather together in community with inspirational humans who are co-creating a safe space where we are all mutually loved and supported in being our True Selves.

Space is limited to only 28 participants, so I suggest you register as soon as possible HERE.

I look forward to welcoming you to this life-changing experience at The Esalen Institute in Big Sur, CA.