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I am a Life and Business Coach, a Health and Wellness Teacher and a Spiritual Guide.

If you are interested in One on One sessions please schedule a preliminary complimentary 30 minute True Self Mastery Clarity Call HERE so that we can see if working together is aligned for both of us.


In 2010 I created my TRUE SELF MASTERY Coaching and Wellness Program.

In 2012 I was officially trained as a Life Coach and graduated from The Coaches Training Institute.

The Coaches Training Institute is the:

  • Largest and oldest coach training school in the world with courses offered in over 20 countries
  • Has proven success with more than 55,000 trained coaches
  • First school to receive accreditation by the International Coach Federation (ICF)
  • Considered world-wide to be The Harvard of Life Coaching Schools

Due to my extensive training and experience as a Life Coach I was grandfathered in as a Internationally Certified Life Coach by The International Coaches Federation in 2012.

I continue to study and practice Life Coaching with weekly Continuing Education Courses and maintain my International Life Coach Certification to assure that I provide excellent and progressive Life Coaching for everyone that I serve.



I have been a Health and Wellness teacher and have been deeply devoted to the Healing Arts since 1990.

My core Health and Wellness Teachings and Practices are:


*Movement with a special focus on Yoga (see below)


*Conscious Breathing

*Mental & Emotional Management

*Physical Cleansing

*Prayer & Affirmation

*Rest, Relaxation & Sleeping

My long-time background is Yoga.

As a certified Yoga Therapist, my approach to Yoga and my classes is compassionate and loving. I have an “intuitively eclectic” style of teaching, drawing upon the many forms of Yoga I have studied and practiced while tuning into the particular needs of the people and groups I am working with.

In each class, there is a strong emphasis on breath to invigorate the body and calm the mind. We rest in the stillness and peace of yin and restorative Yoga poses while focusing on being rather than doing. We fluidly move with strength and flexibility through a Vinyasa Flow and standing Yoga poses where we focus on precision of alignment and self-empowerment.

I have been an Internationally certified Life Coach by The International Coaches Federation since 2012 and Life Coach you during Yoga practice by asking you powerful Self-Inquiry questions and give you powerful guided visualizations to help you Vision the life that you truly want.

I am a Spiritual Teacher and my Yoga classes are imbued with prayer, intention and highly charged spiritual energy as I recognize that only .2% of who we are is physical…the other 99.8% of who we are is subtle energy including our thoughts, feelings, vibration and essence.

I tap into the superpowers of hypnotherapy, regression, Emotional Cleansing and Meditation to help you de-program your body/mind/heart/Soul of the stress, tension and heavy energy you have been carrying as a result of living out of alignment with your True Self and the original blueprint of your Soul. I help you to re-program yourself with thoughts/beliefs/feelings/words/actions that are deeply aligned with and a true match for your highest potential and your Soul’s deepest essence.

As a Sound Healer, singer and song writer I know the power and healing effects of sound and I sing soothing and uplifting mantras to my students to help relax the body, open the heart and bring deep healing that goes beyond mental comprehension

I am a hands on healer and have been a Massage Therapist since 1990 and bring healing and loving touch to my sessions.

I am a Shamanic practitioner and incorporate Shamanic practices into my offerings to clear heavy energy, help you heal by retrieving lost parts of your Soul due to past traumas and bless your journey into your best future guided by your Future Self.

My mission is to support my clients and students in taking 100% responsibility for your thoughts, feelings, words, actions and relationships with people/places/things so that practice by practice you cultivate a deep sense of connection to your truest, deepest and highest Self, your natural state of being present, open, awake, and to live life in integrity with who you truly are so that you have a truly fulfilling life.


As of 2024 I have taught over 30,000 hours of Yoga since 1995 to over 10,000 people all over the world and am accredited by the Yoga Alliance as an Experienced Registered Yoga Teacher – ERYT 500.

I am the Creator of a 200 hour Yoga Teacher’s Training called TRUE SELF MASTERY SCHOOL OF YOGA accredited by Yoga Alliance.

I have been practicing yoga informally since I was four years old. My dedicated, formal training began in 1992 and I have been a devoted practitioner ever since. I love Yoga so much that I became a teacher of this ancient art and science in 1994 so that I could be in the Yoga zone all day long and share Yoga’s gifts with those I am here to serve.

I have studied and practice Ashtanga, Iyengar, Flow, Sivananda, Yin, Restorative, Hatha, and Kundalini Yoga and Buddhist, Transcendental and Sound meditation amongst many other styles. I received my first Yoga Teacher’s Training Certification from the White Lotus in 1994 and continued my studies of Iyengar and Sivananda Yoga in India. I received my Integrative Yoga Teacher’s Training Certificate in 1996 and trained with Sarah Powers and Paul Grilley in 2002. Since then I have studied with countless Yoga teachers and feel that everyone and everything is my Yoga Teacher. The main teachers who have inspired me are: Stephanie Keach-Aldrich, Ganga and Tracy White, Joseph Le Page, Cheri Clampett, Paul Grilley, Sarah Powers, Erich Schiffmann, Steve and Michelle Dwelley, Deb Dobbin, Richard McLaughlin and Saras Yogi.

I have traveled the world teaching Yoga classes, workshops, retreats and trainings in California, Arizona, Hawaii, New York City, Indonesia, Thailand, India, China, Nepal, London, Amsterdam, Peru, Paris, Tulum, Mexico and Brazil. I have taught in Yoga centers, gyms, hospitals, inner-city schools, AIDS recovery homes, cancer centers, retreat centers and in 30 Yoga Teacher Trainings.

In 2000 I created a yoga program for students and teachers in the public elementary and high schools of Santa Barbara called Yoganesha® and taught my Yoganesha Teaching Yoga to Children trainings 2 times a year from 2000-2012. I hold a B.A. in Religious Studies from UCSB am a Bhakti (a devotee of Spirit / God / Goddess /Creator) and incorporate many Spiritual teachings into my classes and have been a certified massage therapist since 1990 and incorporate hands on healing into my Yoga sessions.

From 2000-2020 I taught Yoga For Strength and Empowerment and Gentle Restorative Yoga every week at The Ridley Tree Cancer Center in Santa Barbara, CA. as part of their Alternative Wellness Program.

Since 2010 I have taught Yoga, Conscious Breathing, A Journey Through The Chakras and The Shamanic Healing, Clearing and Blessing Ceremony every month at The Esalen Institute in Big Sur, CA. I have been a Teacher in Residence and co-created a program for Esalen as well, teach workshops and am on Faculty.

Since 2018 I have been a Guest Life Coach presenter and Health + Wellness teacher at Rancho La Puerta in Tecate, Mexico.


My mission is to help you raise your vibration so that you are living in alignment with your Life Purpose, Values, Message, Big Vision, greatest passions and highest potential on every level, plane and dimension of your life.

Our aim is for you to know and feel like you are the living embodiment of your Purpose, Values, Message and big Vision and then to make conscientious choices in your relationships with people/places/things so that you stay in alignment with who you are and why you’re here.

My personal and most natural consulting/coaching style is incredibly broad. I can be Kick Ass, No BS, Straight up no chaser, Sword of Truth, Let’s Rock this Thing as well as a Deeply Loving, Compassionate, Nurturing, Grateful and Gracious Cheerleader. My goal is to meet you where you are and evoke and provoke your true essential self so that you feel reconnected with and guided by your own internal wisdom.


If you are interested in One on One sessions then please visit HERE to schedule a preliminary complimentary 20 minutes consultation session so that we can see if working together is aligned for both of us.

If we both feel that working together is a match, then we will continue our work together with your:

One on One Foundational Life Coaching package which includes:

*1 hour AUTHENTIC ALIGNMENT session to help you get clear about your Purpose, Values, Message and Vision

*1 hour VIBRATION TRANSFORMATION session to help you create your one of a kind unique daily Health and Wellness program

*Ten 60 minute weekly CONSCIOUS CREATION Coaching/Consulting Sessions to help you consciously create and magnetically manifest your Vision for yourself and your life

Your ten 60 minute CONSCIOUS CREATION weekly sessions can be used however you wish.

During these sessions I will help you consciously create your visions, navigate challenges that arise, create one of a kind guided meditations, give you a True Self Mastery Reading

*Our sessions are in person wherever we are, on the phone, Skype or Zoom

Our one-on-one sessions will be a combination of Life Coaching, Wellness and Lifestyle Teaching and Spiritual Guidance.

The steps on your journey of creating your life of True Self Mastery are:

Get clear about:

*Your unique Purpose (why you feel you exist) for your life

* Your unique Values (what is most important to you) in your life

*Your unique Message (what is the message that you have come to deliver to the world):

*Your unique Vision (your big dreams / goals / wishes /intentions) for your life including:

*Physical/Mental/Emotional Health and Wellness 

*Home and Living Environment

*Love Life and Relationships

*Finances and Money

*Work and right livelihood

*Personal Growth and Education

*Creativity and Hobbies

*Adventure and Travel

*Soul and Spirit

*Create your Manifesto: Your Guide and Blueprint for who your truly are, what truly matters to you and what you truly want to create in your life

Raise your vibration on all levels, Physically, Mentally, Emotionally, Soul and Spiritually

Become a vibrational match for your Purpose, Values, Message and Vision

Clear, release and let go of stress, tension and heavy energy on all levels

Heal, repair and restore yourself on all levels

Cultivate, generate and create vital life force energy on all levels of your being

Cultivate daily Self-Love, Self-Care and Self-Worth practices including:

  • Nutrition
  • Movement
  • Conscious Breathing
  • Meditation
  • Physical Cleansing
  • Mental and Emotional Management
  • Affirmations and Prayer
  • Rest, Relaxation and Deep Sleep

Consciously create your vision for your life with down to earth practical high performance life and business coaching and spiritual practices to connect with your future self who has already created it so that you magnetically manifest all of your goals.

Create your unique one of kind vocation including all of your zones of versatile mastery.

Be a role model for the change that you want to see in the world.

Embody your teachings and share them with the world.

Create your signature offering and be of great service.

Make a positive difference by shining and sharing your luminous light and lead by example.

Create your one of a kind unique suite of offerings and leave your personal Legacy of Light to be of service to future generations to come.



*I recognize that you are naturally creative, resourceful and whole.

*We address your whole life in our sessions.

*Other than your first 2 sessions including AUTHENTIC ALIGNMENT and VIBRATION TRANSFORMATION, your session agenda comes from you. We are always focused on you getting the results that you want.

*I always steer you towards experiencing Fulfillment, Balance and what I refer to as LOVELIGHTBLISS (Creating a life that you LOVE, that LIGHTS you up as you continually follow your BLISS) in all areas of your life.

*We co-create your Wellness Lifestyle Plan in total alignment with your unique needs and desires. The only agenda I hold is supporting you in practicing the Plan that we have co-created, and to continuously shift anything that is not a match for you accomplishing your mission.

*I am here to dance with you in the moment. I will always coach you where you are rather than following a rigid plan. There is a fluid give and take in our sessions.

*I always support you in the holding the perspective that everything that is arising and happening is an opportunity for learning and evolution.


The foundation of our sessions are:

*Open and Honest Communication

*Clearing anything that feels “off” at the beginning of each session

*Request what you need from me on an on-going basis

*On-going shifting of the design of our Coaching sessions