I lead group classes and trainings all designed to help you clear the stress, tension and heavy energy in your life that is the result of living out of alignment with who you truly are and what is most important to you and raise your energetic vibration on all levels, planes and dimensions of your life so you can consciously create the life you vision and then lead by example.
Group settings are one of the most powerful ways to raise your vibration because you receive the love and support of others that are on a transformational journey with you. Being in the presence of others that are experiencing similar challenges, breakdowns, breakthroughs and victories can lend great encouragement as you ride the waves of change. When 2 or more are gathered with a common intention, magic and miracles happen.
In this 4 month online group journey, you will be
In this 4 month online group journey, you will receive:
- 16 LIVE SESSIONS with Dynamic Teachings AND Laser Coaching
- Four 30 minute 1-on-1 private Coaching sessions on Zoom with Anne to use however you wish (1 every month) (This alone is worth $1000)
- Weekly Instructional Videos, Meditations, PDFS, Action Plans and recordings of Live Sessions all uploaded in your online portal
- Private Facebook group
- Accountability partner from the group (if you wish)