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I lead group classes and trainings all designed to help you vision, design and create a life you love aligned with your Trues Self. Clear the stress, tension and heavy energy in your life that is the result of living out of alignment with who you truly are and what is most important to you and raise your energetic vibration on all levels, planes and dimensions of your life so you can consciously create the life you vision and then lead by example.

Group settings are one of the most powerful ways to raise your vibration because you receive the love and support of others that are on a transformational journey with you. Being in the presence of others that are experiencing similar challenges, breakdowns, breakthroughs and victories can lend great encouragement as you ride the waves of change. When 2 or more are gathered with a common intention, magic and miracles happen.

If you are interested in joining the TRUE SELF MASTERY PROGRAM, please schedule a
preliminary complimentary 20 minute consultation

In this year-long online group journey, you will receive:

  • Lifetime access to the True Self Mastery Online Portal, packed with videos, meditations, step-by-step guides, action plans and recordings of all live sessions
  • LIVE Zoom group sessions every other week
  • Custom feedback
  • A private community to connect with others on the path
  • Accountability partner from the group (if you wish)
  • Optional 1:1 calls with me for deeper personal guidance



Have you ever felt like you wanted to start over, or simply begin again — right now — in a more authentic, healthy, and sustainable way?

Do you feel disconnected from your True Self ?

Do you feel a separation between how you are currently living and who you know you are meant to be?

Are you struggling with Self doubt and Self sabotage?

Do you feel overwhelmed, burned out or feel like your energy is dispersed?

Do you want to take better care of yourself physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually?

Are there things you want to create but do not know how to or end up stopping once you begin?

Are you experiencing the disheartening gap between what you know you are capable of and actually creating it?

Do you want to make a more positive contribution on the planet but have not figured out how to wholeheartedly help yourself first so that you are serving from overflow instead of depletion?

One of the most consistent regrets of the dying is that they lacked the courage to live a life true to themselves, a life connected to their true purpose, a life guided by their true values, a life a caring deeply for themselves and creating a life aligned with who they truly are.

No matter what you have been through, if you choose to, it is possible to cultivate a new path of true self mastery, practicing the art of living well as your true self, aligned with your full potential.

Visualize what that might mean:

  • Always knowing how to stay connected to your truest, deepest, and highest self
  • Leading a life of meaning and value
  • Navigating life’s challenges with more ease and grace
  • Loving and caring for your body, mind, heart, soul, and spirit
  • Consciously creating the life that you envision for yourself
  • Leading by example

You can choose to walk this path, and in this group we will be defining and practicing the steps together.

Together we will visualize a life that moves forward from this moment in full alignment with your True Self.

Together, we will build the skills needed for navigating your life’s journey with a clear direction, motivation, and inspiration.

In this year-long deep dive, we will be doing the inner work.

True Self Mastery is not a quick journey. It takes time.

We will first uncover your innermost true self, and then, together, we will manifest that being into reality.

Join me for this personally revelatory program.

Inside this program you’ll use my customizable True Self Mastery framework so you can finally connect to your full potential, feel grounded in what matters most to you and build the foundations of living, loving and leading by example in a year.


  • High Performance Life Coaching
  • Health and Wellness Embodiment Practices
  • Spiritual Guidance
  • Self Inquiry and Journaling
  • Guided Visualization
  • One on One and Group Sharing and Connection Exercises
  • Reconnect with your authentic Self.
  • Restructure your life and the way you live guided by your True Self.
  • Create your Manifesto, a written statement declaring who you truly are, what you truly want and what is most important to you including your Life Purpose, Values, Message and Big Vision.
  • Cultivate your daily Health and Wellness practices including Nutrition, Movement, Conscious Breathing, Meditation, Physical Cleansing, Mental & Emotional Management, Affirmations & Prayer, Rest & Relaxation & Sleeping.
  • Clear the stress and tension caused by living out of alignment with your True Self, heal your connection with your deepest essence and generate the life force energy to manifest the life you want.
  • Consciously create the life you vision for yourself with high performance coaching and uplifting spiritual practices.


Get clear about:
Your Purpose (what deeply fulfills you)
Your Values (your guiding principles)
Your Message (the most important thing you want to always remember)
Your Big Vision (what you want to consciously create in your life)
Then you will create:
Your Manifesto (your guide for living in alignment with your True Self)
Your Daily Manifesto including your vision for this year (your guide for living in alignment with your True Self now)

Create your daily Self-Love, Self-Care and Self Worth Practices
for Physical, Mental, Emotional and Spiritual Health and Wellness
to help you:
Clear stress, tension and “not” True Self energy
Heal, Restore, Balance and Harmonize yourself
Create and Generate vital life force energy
so you raise your vibration on all levels
and embody your Purpose, Values, Message and Vision
Consciously create the Vision you have for yourself and your life
with practical down to Earth high performance planning and expansive spiritual practices
to help you connect with and embody the energy of your Future Self
who has already magnetically manifested your Vision
Create your Conscious Creation Vision Statement to keep you on track every day


Your Life Long Journey of True Self Mastery
How to maintain the turning point of the transformation
you have created for yourself
and how to embody
Authentic Alignment,
Vibration Transformation
and Conscious Creation
for the rest of your life.


when you add the option of working 1:1 with me, you will also be given personal guidance through the following processes:



Create your unique one of kind
vocation including all of your
zones of versatile mastery.

Be a role model for the change
that you want to see in the

Embody your teachings and
share them with the world.

Create your signature offering
and be of great service.

Make a positive difference by
shining and sharing your
luminous light and lead by


Your life and the way you live
it every day is your legacy.

Embody and live in alignment
with your Purpose, Values,
Message and Vision daily.

Create your one of a kind
unique suite of offerings and
leave your personal Legacy of
Light to be of service to future
generations to come.

And get all these bonuses!

Bonus #1:

Bonus #2:

$30 Value

Bonus #3:

THE CLEANSE: A 7 Day Cleanse For Your Body, Mind, Heart and Spirit (online program)
$149 Value

Bonus #4:

Align WIth The Chakras, Planets and Elements (E-Book)
$15 Value


If you are interested in joining the TRUE SELF MASTERY PROGRAM, please schedule a
preliminary complimentary 20 minute consultation


Anne Van de Water is a transformational lifestyle designer.

She is a Life and Business Coach, a Health and Wellness Teacher, a Spiritual and Self Mastery Guide. She is the founder and creator of True Self Mastery Coaching and Wellness. She helps individuals clear subconscious limiting patterns, heal your connection with your truest deepest highest Self and raise the vibration of your beliefs, thoughts, emotions, words, actions and relationships so you match the energy of the life you vision for yourself so you can consciously create and magnetically manifest it. This transformation will help you to authentically, healthfully and sustainably live fully, love deeply, lead powerfully and thrive in all ways. Anne is a regular Coach and Teacher at The Esalen Institute in Big Sur, California and Rancho La Puerta in Baja, Mexico.



If you want to activate your most authentic, truest, deepest, highest self then contact Anne NOW. Before working with Anne, I knew

Jonathan Perez
Coaching with Anne has been priceless. She‘s helped me come from adrenalized fear into calm presence in moments where I’ve truly been

Christabel Zamor
I cannot recommend Anne’s True Self Mastery Program highly enough. I feel blessed and privileged to have experienced the True Self Mastery

Claire Haigh
I’ve worked with Anne on and off over the years as a coach and she’s helped me through some rough patches in

Amy Fritz
To work with Anne is to work with an absolute PRO. She is everything I could want in a coach: a wise

Sam Stern
Before working with Anne in the True Self Mastery Program, the challenges I was facing were not feeling loved and worthy, being

Before working with Anne, I endured debilitating panic attacks, chronic migraines, and cancer, leading to a miserable existence. Working with Anne completely

Samantha Paige
Creator of My Beautiful Alien and Co-Creator of LAST CUT - Visionary Artist
Working with Anne was exactly what I needed! I feel amazing, having released both physically and emotionally. The layers of emotions shed

Erin Walker
Anne is a brilliant coach and teacher. She offers her students a level of vulnerability and courage that all can learn from.

Janelle Christa Bottelsen
I wasn’t truly walking my talk. I was inconsistent and I felt scattered. Working with Anne helped me to create a foundation

Lisa Beck
I personally used this program for my entrepreneurial pursuit and I can’t believe how far I’ve come, how hard I’ve worked, and

Katie McLean
Anne is a very gifted and knowledgeable coach and teacher who embodies living authentically by tuning into and getting clear about how

Melanee Cooper
After a departure from over two decades in the corporate world in a high stress, executive role, Anne’s voice, process, and method

Stephanie DeHaven
Anne was truly transformative in my life during her Authentic Alignment workshop at the Esalen Institute. Her guidance helped me gain a

Myra Reed, MD
Personalized Wellness
Anne Van de Water guided me through a massive transformation through her rituals, practices, and teachings, some of which I have been

Barbara Gates
Santa Barbara, CA
Finally, after years, I am listening to my inner voice and following what is right for me. Your workshop Authentic Alignment made

Janine Clark
Mother and Designer
I took Anne’s course at Esalen . I wasn’t sure what to expect, but was hopeful for some tools to help me

Martin G. Reynolds
Maynard Institute
I’m so grateful that I had the opportunity to work with Anne Van de Water. When we first began working together, I

Kelly Heath
Yoga + Meditation + Ayurveda + Coaching
The four days I spent in workshop with Anne was more valuable than I could have imagined and completely transformed my life.

Noraleen Danforth